Reflections from women at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. It also concludes that, "If there was a plot to kill the president, 'no way' Ruby was involved, she…
On November 22, a few blocks away from the nightclub, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Two days later, Oswald was also killed, shot by Ruby — owner of the Carousel Club and employer of the mentalist. This map…
Look at parking garages in Downtown Dallas. This ad looks at Nichols Bros. Garage & Rent-a-Car Service at 1320 Commerce. This is later the garage at FBI Key Person, Huey Moses Reeves works during the JFK Assassination and where he helped Jack Ruby…
This parking garage is similar to what was described to resemble Nichol's Garage in Dallas, Texas, where Huey Moses Reeves worked. Reeves parked the personal cars of Jack Ruby and was later questioned for his work here. This video shows insights into…
The point of this zeemap is to show just how many places and people were involved with JFK's assassination. Our data only contains those dates that appeared in our file; thus, this map does not even include all of the addresses that could have been…
The list the people who had the most number of relationships with other individuals. The number of degrees means how many people they knew. It makes sense that the Johnsons and Kennedys are the individuals who know the most people. It is interesting…
Overall JFK had 83 relations with the other people included in all of the classes files. The image just highlights a portion of the graph, thus showing just how many people were involved in JFK's assassination. JFK, himself, most likely didn't even…
This image is associate with the image of the number of degrees some individuals had. This version shows the top 25 people who had the most numbers of relations. The network allows a different way of viewing the information, and allows the viewer to…
John F. Kennedy can be seen sitting next to his wife in pink in the back of a car driving through a crowd. This image took place during the motorcade from Love Field to the Dallas Trade Mart, where JFK was supposed to have lunch for the day. Mr. and…
JFK and Jackie Kennedy can be seen seated in the back of a black car. In front of them is Nellie Connally and Governor John B. Connally. All four of them are facing the camera and waving to the crowds gathered to see them. A Special Agent can be seen…
Original 35mm black and white negative taken by Dallas Times Herald and United Press International photographer Darryl Heikes. The image shows J.W. 'Will' Fritz, Captain of Homicide and Robbery for the Dallas Police, being interviewed by Bill Mercer,…
Lawman, Kennedy Assassination Figure. As head of the Dallas Police Department's Robbery-Homicide unit in 1963, he was Lee Harvey Oswald's primary interrogator. Law enforcement officers led by him interrogated Oswald over the less than 48 hours…
Lawman, Kennedy Assassination Figure. As head of the Dallas Police Department's Robbery-Homicide unit in 1963, he was Lee Harvey Oswald's primary interrogator. Law enforcement officers led by him interrogated Oswald over the less than 48 hours…
Lawman, Kennedy Assassination Figure. As head of the Dallas Police Department's Robbery-Homicide unit in 1963, he was Lee Harvey Oswald's primary interrogator. Law enforcement officers led by him interrogated Oswald over the less than 48 hours…