In this diagram you can see that Curry was a very connected man as the Chief of Police in Dallas, TX. He had many employees that he supervised especially during the JFK visit. As the Chief many relied on his judgments and supervision during the…
The photo shows Chief Curry speaking to the media reporters about the investigation on the third floor hallway of the Dallas Police Department headquarters late on Friday November 22nd, or early in the morning of November 23, 1963. The amount of…
The photo shows Chief Curry at Parkland Hospital for the service of JFK with an unnamed officer with him. He was the one who directed the cars to the hospital as he knew the area. He remained at the hospital for about an hour or so to his knowledge…
This obituary of Chief Curry describes his career with Dallas PD. He was 66 when he died after taking his grandchildren for ice-cream at Baylor Medical Center. He served as chief of police from 1960-1966. The article goes on to describe his…
Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry wrote a self published book that revealed his personal account of the JFK assassination. Including information about Dallas, the security planning, the motorcade, the school book depository, Lee Harvey Oswald, evidence…
During the interview Chief Curry discusses Oswald's investigation. He stated he gave all the information to the FBI but will still investigate the case with Dallas PD. He wanted to interview Lee Harvey Oswald's friends, his co-workers, etc. It was…
Photograph of Chief Curry before the assassination of JFK. He was there during the shot and was there to help assist the cars to the Parkland Hospital.
The archive notes that the officers in Dallas were deciding what to do with Oswald in their custody. Chief Curry arrived for work and relayed that Oswald must be provided with the utmost security. This shows that Chief Curry did not want another…
Leon Hubert conducted Curry's testimony for the Warren Commission to conduct a full investigation of JFK's assassination. He said that he was in the lead car during the parade with other Secret Service Agents and Dallas PD officers and then heard…
Here in the testimony you can see that Chief Curry told the "Dallas Times Herald" that Lee Harvey Oswald's transfer would be placed in the custody of Sheriff J.E. Bill Decker on November 24, 1963. He also was reported that he revealed the time of…
In this testimony Chief Curry stated that he did not reveal the time to the press of the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald. He believes that everyone was "tired" which seems suspicious. I believe he did in fact tell the press without thinking about the…
Chief Curry's personal testimony admitted that Dallas PD's security broke down in one place. It was not intentional to have the death of Lee Harvey Oswald occur. This was important because he does not believe that the Dallas PD had responsibility…
Here you can see that Chief Curry wanted proper security set in the basement of the Dallas Police building for Lee Harvey Oswald. This would prevent him from being harmed during the investigation especially since Oswald is the direct responsibility…