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The Citizen Archivist Program of the National Archives and Records Agency

word cloud jfk.png

Word Cloud of all compiled research

Crowdsourced transcription is an important part of making archived materials more accessible to the public.  The process involves putting archived materials into a written text that can be read and more easily accessible to online users.  Individuals from the public volunteer their time to online archives by transcribing archived materials into text.  After the initial transcription, the archived material then goes through multiple rounds of revision to ensure that the text is as accurate to the initial material as possible.  The ultimate goal of crowdsourced transcription projects is to make historical materials more accessible to a wider audience of people.

The aim of this class was to assist the National Archives in their mission to transcribe all of the released files on the JFK Assasination and to utilize the power of Citizen Archivists and crowdsourcing to help them achieve that goal.  

For more information on the NARA JFK project or to become a NARA Citizen Archivist please visit the National Archives website 


The Citizen Archivist Program of the National Archives and Records Agency